Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Here I am trying to figure out what to write about when there is so much on my mind and so much going on...

To summarize the theme with life at the moment it is trust, hope, and contentment. Never in my life have I ever trusted God so much to take care of my family and me. Never in my life have I had such hope for the things to come and the things God has promised us. With trust comes such contentment. It is the best way to live. There is so much joy, happiness, and peace in the middle of the storm.

I am like a bird. In taking a huge leap I have found that my wings carry me high and I am enjoying the thrill of flying. Even in extraordinary winds and weather I place my eyes on the one who formed me. This is what keeps me going. This is why I soar!

I love you Jesus!

As you surround me, be lifted high.

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