Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A True Story of Wonder

My husband and I found ourselves being Wonderstruck last Tuesday night. We both got into our cars to drive home from a long day of work. My car started up smoothly and I gratefully turned the heat on low before my car warmed up again. I glanced over to my right to see Jeremy shrug his shoulders as his car only made a slight clicking noise.

This is not the first time that this has happened. We were sure that all that we were going to have to do was crank the car up on a jack and make sure that the starter wires were connected. In the dimly lit parking lot, we dug out the jack and attempted our best to stay dry in the wet mist cloud that sometimes envelops parts of Oregon.

Jeremy checked for the starter wires and everything looked fine. He attempted starting the car several times with each attempt ending in disappointment. We had just talked with the youth group that night about allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and to expect the same signs and wonders that are in the book of Acts. Here was our chance to see God do a miracle on our behalf. We had no money for car repairs and we needed both vehicles for the next day.

Holding hands we began to pray. We thanked God for his goodness. This car was such a great gift from Him. We asked Him to anoint our car and fix whatever was wrong. There were no fancy words, no begging. It was a simple proclamation of God's goodness and with a grateful heart, a simple request.

Jeremy and I looked at each other, hope in both of our eyes. We both believed that God could heal our car if that is what would bring Him the most glory. With lightness to his step, Jeremy walked around to the driver’s side and leaned in to turn the key. Nothing happened. He removed his hand from the key and decided to turn off the radio. All of a sudden, the car started on its own, without Jeremy even touching the key!

In excitement I started dancing around, Jeremy proclaimed what God had just done, and I continued to dance saying, "Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus!" We drove home that night completely wonderstruck! There was no way the car should have started on its own like that, other than God starting the car for us. He had heard our simple request. He knew our genuine hearts of love for Him. And He answered in a way that revealed He was the only one who could have done it.

God is always there. He desires us to come to Him as we are. In heartaches, and the messy parts of life, He will fill us with wonder when we seek Him.

Margaret Feinberg, in her new book and 7-session Bible Study called Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God reminds us of such moments, much like the one I just shared.

Wonderstruck will help you realize that God has always been there. You will:

·       Recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine
·       Unearth extraordinary moments on ordinary days (like a car starting on its own!)
·       Develop a renewed passion for God
·       Identify what’s holding you back in prayer
·       Discover joy in knowing you’re wildly loved
To learn more, watch the Wonderstruck Video, here:

God will not disappoint you. He is there. 

Pre-order Wonderstruck before Christmas and receive extra gifts worth over $300.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Being Wonderstruck- it is beautiful!

My friend, Margaret Feinberg [], has an awesome new book and 7-session Bible Study called Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God (releasing Christmas Day)a personal invitation for you to toss back the covers, climb out of bed, and drink in the fullness of life. Wonderstruck will help you:

·       Recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine
·       Unearth extraordinary moments on ordinary days
·       Develop a renewed passion for God
·       Identify what’s holding you back in prayer
·       Discover joy in knowing you’re wildly loved

To learn more, watch the Wonderstruck Video, here:

Read below to hear about my own reflections of experiencing God’s wonder that comes out of a reflection from reading Wonderstruck

Most recently I have been experiencing the wonder of God during my most painful moments. In these intimate coffee dates with God I lay my heart at His feet. When I do not understand the reason for what is going on, He shows me that He is making beautiful things out of the mess. I have found, much like Margaret did, that when we are more intentional about prayer, we get caught up in the wonder of who God is. It is during these intimate prayer moments that He reveals to me the purpose for my pain; that He is sovereign.

Last night was a very painful night. In fact it was the final blow to losing someone that I love very much. In my disbelief, I ran into the arms of God. It is in His arms that one thing is certain: He knows the truth and He knows me. He knows every single part of my heart and mind. With this realization it calms the stormy sea inside of me and I know that I am safe with Him.

Being caught up in the wonder of God in my wounded mess allows Him to heal me. As He heals me, the wonder of who He is grows even more. For this I can never stop standing up for His truth. For this I can never stop proclaiming His goodness. He loves us so much!

Follow Margaret’s snarky, funny, and inspirational posts on Twitter [], Facebook [], or her blog []. You can learn more about this great book by visiting where she’s offering some crazy promos right now with up to $300 of free stuff. I’ve seen the book for as low as $7.57 ($14.99 retail) on Barnes & Noble [] for all you savvy shoppers. 

Where have you seen the wonder of God in your life?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wonderstruck... Struck by Wonder

 God is so wonderful! He fills me with amazing wonder. 

I can relate a lot to Margaret Feinberg as she describes what it means to be struck by the wonder of God. There is such depth to God's heart for us. While reading Wonderstruck, I find myself reflecting back on the first moments when I was filled with the wonder of who God was, after so many lies of who He is was stripped away. My heart takes flight at the thought that I am His and His alone. It is truly a divine romance that I am thankful will never end.

This book is so good! I encourage you to reserve a copy or begin a Bible study through this book. You can reserve the book here:

You will not be disappointed! 

Blessings to you as we give thanks this week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"10 Christians Everyone Should Know"

This book was an easy read which encouraged me greatly. 10 Christians Everyone Should Know gives a brief overview of ten unique and diverse individuals that most of us have heard about in one way or another. One of the things that I loved about this book was the fact that they all followed Jesus and made a huge impact in this world even though many did not get to see the fruit of their labor. What is encouraging is the constant theme that, when one lives a life serving the Lord using ones gifts and talents, the impact is far greater than what one would ever expect.

Many of these ten people I already knew several things about. What was important for me was being able to understand in greater depth the important role their faith played with what they are most known for. 10 Christians Everyone Should Know, is a good book for those who like history and want to see the impact of faithful followers of Jesus.

I received this book free from and these opinions are my own.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Must Read!!- "Messy" by A.J. Swaboda

Have you ever asked yourself why your life seems to be messed up? Life is messy and so often we seem to puke out the reality of our need for God and his holiness. One of the things that make God so awesome (despite his awesomeness) is that he loves us when we are messy. He meets us in our mess. We are not perfect yet God loves to work his perfection in us as we toil through the garbage, confusion, questions, and doubts that plague our lives

A.J. Swaboda brings a striking combination of humor and seriousness to describe how God likes us messy. We are messy people. As such God wants us to come to him without trying to cover it all up. With brutal honesty, lacking no fear to tackle sensitive issues, A.J. Swaboda conveys God’s truth that will have you laughing one second and caught in silent conviction the next.

Seriously, go check out A.J. Swaboda’s book, Messy. You will find God in the mess and be able to laugh at yourself here and there too!

Note: I received this book free from the author and these thoughts and opinions are my own.  

Check this out!

I have the privilege of being able to read and write about an upcoming book, Wonderstruck, by my new friend Margaret Feinberg.

It is breathtaking already. It has made my hunger for God bigger than it was before. I encourage you to keep an eye out for this awesome book, Wonderstruck, which will be coming out on Christmas day this year! Please go here to check out the book:

Monday, October 1, 2012

Overcoming the enemy

The battle is raging. The enemy watches but has no grip on me. He mocks and taunts me. He thinks that by using others against me that I will fold under their silence or the lies that they use to convince others of what is "really" going on. No matter what the attempt, God is always thwarting the enemy and his attempts for ruin. I will remain steadfast in Gods love. It is His truth that anchors me.

As the enemy comes closer, he attempts to kick me down. But oh how weak he is! With Gods Spirit in me, I realize just who is on my side supporting me. By His power and authority, I know who I am. It is this knowledge and truth that helps me stand so strong. No matter whom the enemy uses against me; what lies he attempts to make me believe, all he is doing is wasting his time. 

Now I realize that I could never live this life in my own strength or on the strength of my husband. Although, God has given me a wonderful gift in my husband. My husband helps me fight and win the battles triumphantly because God remains the center of all that we do. God has used my husband to help me heal, to stand stronger in who I am, and always remind me that without Gods truth holding me up, neither of us would amount to anything.

As the enemy lunges towards me, I am not scared. In fact I am the strongest and most secure in the truth that God is for me and no one else can ever stand against Him! I face the enemy with courage I have never had. I grab hold of him to push him down to the depths and then my husband comes to help me finish the job. Together, we stand triumphant. Together, we are stronger. And together we will continue to grow, to thrive, to love, and to defeat the enemy as we lead others into the arms of God.

Thank you Lord for your great love for us! Thank you for the love that you will pour into the hearts of those who need your victory! Thank you for the miracles you will do in the lives of those who remain silent. As I have received forgiveness I will continue to forgive them. Thank you Lord! Amen.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

So good...

I sit here today taking a breath of fresh air. Life has been a whirlwind for the past couple of months. My body, my mind and my spirit have been pushed in ways that I never thought imaginable. The most amazing thing about the past couple of months has been seeing how God has shown up during my hardest and weakest points. For this I am so thankful because if life had not been so crazy I would not have experienced God in this way!

Now, my hubs and I are on a new journey. It is one filled with wonder, excitement, and awe. It is time to get down and dirty doing all that we have been trained to do. We are fighting the enemy in new ways while bringing new life to new people who are becoming our new family. There is no greater pleasure than to be so unified together doing the very things that God has called us to do. It is one big adventure! A dream come true with more to follow.

What is even more exciting in this process is to see my best friend, the one I love, realizing so many new things spiritually as he leads the youth. It is breathtaking to see such growth and excitement! This alone is an answer to prayer because as his fire for God burns brighter and harder, it only adds more to my own. Without each other, our fires would just be small, dimly lit ones. But together, it is amazing to see how much more impact we have. This was a prayer I prayed so long ago and it is so cool to see it unfold in greater proportions right before my eyes!

Since my last "official" blog post, God has been showing me the importance of letting go of more things. The more that we let go, the more of God we gain. It truly is priceless and my prayer is that everyone would experience God like this. He is truly all that you need. Even in the pain and the messy things of life He is always there. Life with God is so good in the blessings and the troubles that meet us day to day.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Running For My Life- Lopez Lomong

This book by far is one of my favorites for this summer! The instant that I began reading the book I could not put it down. I found myself caught up into Lopez Lomong's life. I imagined what his home may have looked like, remembering the red dirt roads and people from my own trip to Africa. It was amazing to see the hand of God upon his entire journey. This book brings you into the heart of a boy turned into a man, whose very life reflects how God uses all things for good.

Lopez's story is heartbreaking, breathtaking, and encouraging. He is a man who has never given up and as this book reveals, his heart and faith allowed him to believe in the most impossible things. Many in his situation would have died from loss and discouragement, but Lopez was full of hope and big dreams. It was a heart that God smiled on as we see how each part in Lopez's journey was used to propel him into the destiny that God knew He could trust Lopez with. He has a heart of a champion and that of a great Olympian.

Lopez does not run for fame and glory. He runs for the people he loves and the ones who are in so much need. Please visit his site about his foundation and to learn how to help, 4 South Sudan:

I received this book free from and these opinions and thoughts are my own.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

JJ Heller Song

Please give me a chance to love you. I have been fighting for you in the darkness of night. The lies and the depth of despair are not too much for God. It does not matter what you've done. Where have you gone? Please run back home, and just like God, my arms will be open wide running to you in the sweet homecoming to come. Please let me in to love you. Love you!- K


Monday, June 25, 2012

Things I am Thankful For

I reflect over the past happenings in life. The joys, the sadness, the debt, the provision, the people who care so much, and the many many miracles! There may be something in life that is always somewhat off or simply out of your control but God is always there. I love how His blessings are always overflowing if you are willing to see what they are. You can always Trust Him.

Just today, my hubs did the simplest gesture yet it meant the world to me. He picked me flowers from around the grassy area where God has blessed us to enjoy for a couple weeks. He intentionally stopped what he was doing, picked the flowers with me in mind, and then hand delivered them to me. Although simple, and a small bouquet, I cannot tell you how much it meant. Purchasing a bouquet of flowers is something that my husband would love to do if we were able to spend money on such things for each other. And still God cares for such things.

This love gift reminded me just how much God loves us! God intentionally does things for us that He knows we will enjoy, need, and love because He not only knows us but He loves us more than what we can ever comprehend. Even when we have nothing God still provides a way for something great. He feeds those who have no money; He gives them a drink when they are thirsty and every now and then even gives them flowers! I love it!

This time in our lives, although as tiring, hard, and uncomfortable as it can be, God is revealing himself in so many ways. He is increasing our faith. He is deepening our trust. He is smoothing out our rougher edges and refining us to be as beautiful and strong as pure gold. And as He does such things, as much as it may be draining, there is still so much rest in Him. God restores so many things to those who are seeking Him with all they are. He can restore things instantly and mend the most torn apart heart. Some things can take more time but with Truth forever shining, and Love always pouring itself out to you, there is nothing too big or too hard for God to do in your life. And He will never ignore you, nor will He walk away from you. He is the Truth revealer, the Life giver, the strength, and confidant anyone will ever need. Truth is a person and in Him all lies and darkness will have to flee. Praise His name!

I have found that in the midst of heartache God brings us into such a secret, divine place. It truly is the most amazing thing ever. The fact that God desires to be so close and intimate with us makes my heart flutter and feel as if it is soaring. My heart and body feel like they could burst at the seams just thinking about how good God is and how much I love Him and how much He loves me! Nothing else matters but Him. And yet there are still so many yet to experience how amazing God is. I pray late into the night for several dear to my heart to experience this. There is such healing, restoration, and transformation; such Love, glory, and power in what God will do in our lives when we allow Him into our secret places. It is a beautiful process.

Allow Him in dear one. Keep pressing into Him. Hold onto Him for He surely will never let you go. You are precious and valued. Do not worry. Trust Him, for the walls of distrust will keep you from enjoying life full and free in Him. Lies will only tear apart your life but Truth will always set you free. Rebuke the enemy, state who you are in the Lord, and dance with joy. You are beautiful, you are valued, you are precious, you are needed, and you are LOVED! 

His Love Never Fails.

Every tear that falls
   can water a garden
       deep within your heart
          where the Lord will meet you
              and turn all things beautiful in time
He Loves you
     He wants you
          You are more precious to Him 
               than anything in all the world and universe
                   You are His favorite one that He pursues
                       Accept His embrace and enjoy this dance with Him
                  HIS LOVE NEVER FAILS


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Miracles. Goals met. Dreams fulfilled and beginning at the same time. Astounding breakthroughs and bondage breaking off of me. Healing. Passion. Grace. Forgiveness. Love. Amazing support. Huge growth.

This pretty much sums up the last two weeks of life for my husband and I. We indeed are learning more and more what it means to live by faith. We are learning what it means to allow the Lord to weld us further together so that in Him we defeat the enemy and give glory to God in all that we do. Praise His name!

Most recently I have made the connection that much of what I have struggled with has been that my perception of success and my responsibility towards others has been slightly skewed. I have lived most of my life thinking that being “responsible for” was what I was supposed to be doing without even realizing it. I look back now and realize that if I had seen that I am only “responsible to” people it would have eliminated a lot of hurt and confusion between both parties. When I am only “responsible to” someone I know that I can do my part, the part that God has asked me to do, and leave the rest up to the other person. I am not responsible for their actions or lack thereof. I am not responsible for what they say or may not say.

I used to think that I failed or could not seem to communicate in the right way because no solution came afterward. Now I realize that I had the wrong perception on my role. It was not that I failed necessarily, but as long as I did what God had called me to do, I succeeded greatly whether anything changed thereafter. With this realization, a huge load is taken from my shoulders and no confusion ensues when what I do is not working or nothing seems to change.

But I will continue to remain faithful to all that the Lord is asking of me. I will continue to allow God to change me, to transform my heart to reflect His own. My greatest desire is to please Him and Him alone. When I hear Him whisper amazing truths in my ear, and I see the look of Love for me in His eyes, nothing else matters but Him.

Galatians 1:10 states it best, “Obviously, I'm not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant.” (NLT)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Book Review: The Ministry of Christ, 1000 Days

Jonathan Falwell does a good job writing about the ministry of Christ in his book, The Ministry of Christ 1000 Days. If you are looking for a book that goes into more depth about this topic you may be a little disappointed. I know that I was. I was hoping to hear more insights into the deeper meanings of Jesus, his ministry, and the connection between Jesus and Father God as well as His power and authority through His Spirit. Much of the information that I read in this book was not knew but that could merely be from the education I received with my major in Bible and Theology.

Although, I must admit that if you are looking for a book that can spark deeper discussion, this book may just do the trick for small Bible study groups. Each chapter has a set of questions that you can answer and discuss, as well as a Bible study guide in the back of the book intended to help leaders. Because this book is like walking through the gospels, it would also be a good book for those interested in Jesus or who have just started their journey as a follower of Christ.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Things I Blame Eve For...

A few things that I blame Eve for:
Dust accumulating on the shelf you just cleaned yesterday
Cleaning the toilet
Hurtful words disguised with religion to make it sound good
Religion instead of relationship

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Study Break Reflection of Life

Beautiful chaos: sweet moments with the One who holds my heart.

Just when life seems to take a drastic turn another comes to jolt us out into a different place. Life is rather crazy and there are moments where we look at our lives and we know that there is no way on earth that we could ever do this without God. We are learning so much in this process.

One of these lessons is the huge truth that without God we are literally nothing. This is not to say that we have not recognized this before but to experience it in a different manner is exhilarating! When we recognize that being in the presence of God is more important than anything, we hold a key to the kingdom of God. In His presence there is: wholeness, peace, and divine love. There is no worry for today and no worry for tomorrow.

At this stage in our lives we have been given the great gift of learning what it means to dive into His presence more and more. We have given up financial gain for more of God.  We have endured slander, criticism, backstabbing, and other ungodly things because of our radical lives. Its great… and tough!

I was asked about a week ago if we regretted making the changes that we have. It hit me at that moment that instead of regretting it, which others would because of our financial state, that I actually cherished it! God has given me these great gifts that money could never buy! I could never earn them on my own. More of Him is worth anything and everything. This truly has been being put to test in my life and also in our lives as a family.

This does not mean that every moment is easy. In fact it seems that life just gets more difficult. And as it gets more difficult it also gets so amazing and wonderful because God reveals more of Himself in the process. I would never trade this life with God for anything! Love and worship to our King and Provider are our greatest weapons against the enemy. I will dance my way into my God’s victorious arms of strength and power.

Beautiful chaos: sweet moments with the One who holds my heart.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Here I am trying to figure out what to write about when there is so much on my mind and so much going on...

To summarize the theme with life at the moment it is trust, hope, and contentment. Never in my life have I ever trusted God so much to take care of my family and me. Never in my life have I had such hope for the things to come and the things God has promised us. With trust comes such contentment. It is the best way to live. There is so much joy, happiness, and peace in the middle of the storm.

I am like a bird. In taking a huge leap I have found that my wings carry me high and I am enjoying the thrill of flying. Even in extraordinary winds and weather I place my eyes on the one who formed me. This is what keeps me going. This is why I soar!

I love you Jesus!

As you surround me, be lifted high.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Here Is To Love

You found me in the desert, searching for water, just a drop of peace.
I was desperate to find you, just a glimpse of your eyes.
My feet were beginning to ache and my head felt faint.

Weary was I.
Tired was I.
But yet I still hoped to find you.

The sun dropped from the sky, and the wind came and swept me off of my feet.
And there I was, in a sea of stars, immersed in beauty.

Fire and lightning collided in front of me, only to be found in your arms.
Such strong yet gentle hands. Peace consumed my entire being.

I heard my name, such a gentle whisper. It sparked the flame in my heart.
Unifying grace, and love departed from your lips. They tasted like sweet wine, satisfying my thirst for the one who I have always longed for.

You swept me off of my feet and you continue to as each star bursts in abundant power and furious love. Imperfectly complete, yet perfectly graceful. You make me brave and show me who I've always been.

I am so thankful that you call me yours. Each tender word, each glance of your eyes, shows me how this dance is worth every step. Never had I thought that my big dreams overtaking my heart would have brought me to you like this.

Dreams do come true. Never will I doubt again. Never will I be hidden. I will always be yours, forever yours.

Here is to Love.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Susanna Foth Aughtmon, I Blame Eve

I Blame Eve by Susanna Foth Aughtmon.

She has done it again! Susanna Foth Aughtmon has written a book filled with such humor and truth that it will leave you laughing out loud as well as taking a good look at your own heart. I Blame Eve: Freedom from Perfectionism, Control Issues, & the Tendency to Listen to Talking Snakes, reveals the core of our issues. Susanna call’s it the “Eden Gene” and that we all have “Eve-ish” tendencies that we need to give up.

With brutal honesty she incorporates examples from her own life as well as accurate scripture references to reveal the issue of our human tendency to have control. She introduces you briefly with a proper understanding of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and how we were all meant to look and act just like the God who loves us no matter what we do. She speaks the truth gracefully, never portraying to have been perfect herself, yet revealing how God can mold us into his image and truly change us.

Instead of living with our hands clenching the wheel of our lives, being selfish, and thinking that we know better, giving all this up and letting go is freedom. Susanna Foth Aughtmon states, “It is our job to choose him. It is his job to free us from ourselves and form us and breathe new life into us.” When we learn to stop “listening to the snake” there is freedom. When we learn to give up our “Eve-ishness” there is freedom. She shows us that when we give up these things, we can then be transformed into the creation God originally intended us to be.

Even if you think that you have a good understanding of these issues or concepts, I encourage you to pick this book up and read it. There is a study guide in the back, which would offer excellent small group discussion points. If you are one that prefers to skip the questions, the content in the book is a good start in doing a reflection of your own heart. Susanna Foth Aughtmon writes with such sweet, brutal honesty that it’ll leave you longing to let go and let God in more. Pick up the book today, and stop listening to talking snakes.

I received this book courtesy from Baker Publishing Group and these opinions are my own.