Monday, December 3, 2012

Being Wonderstruck- it is beautiful!

My friend, Margaret Feinberg [], has an awesome new book and 7-session Bible Study called Wonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God (releasing Christmas Day)a personal invitation for you to toss back the covers, climb out of bed, and drink in the fullness of life. Wonderstruck will help you:

·       Recognize the presence of God in the midst of your routine
·       Unearth extraordinary moments on ordinary days
·       Develop a renewed passion for God
·       Identify what’s holding you back in prayer
·       Discover joy in knowing you’re wildly loved

To learn more, watch the Wonderstruck Video, here:

Read below to hear about my own reflections of experiencing God’s wonder that comes out of a reflection from reading Wonderstruck

Most recently I have been experiencing the wonder of God during my most painful moments. In these intimate coffee dates with God I lay my heart at His feet. When I do not understand the reason for what is going on, He shows me that He is making beautiful things out of the mess. I have found, much like Margaret did, that when we are more intentional about prayer, we get caught up in the wonder of who God is. It is during these intimate prayer moments that He reveals to me the purpose for my pain; that He is sovereign.

Last night was a very painful night. In fact it was the final blow to losing someone that I love very much. In my disbelief, I ran into the arms of God. It is in His arms that one thing is certain: He knows the truth and He knows me. He knows every single part of my heart and mind. With this realization it calms the stormy sea inside of me and I know that I am safe with Him.

Being caught up in the wonder of God in my wounded mess allows Him to heal me. As He heals me, the wonder of who He is grows even more. For this I can never stop standing up for His truth. For this I can never stop proclaiming His goodness. He loves us so much!

Follow Margaret’s snarky, funny, and inspirational posts on Twitter [], Facebook [], or her blog []. You can learn more about this great book by visiting where she’s offering some crazy promos right now with up to $300 of free stuff. I’ve seen the book for as low as $7.57 ($14.99 retail) on Barnes & Noble [] for all you savvy shoppers. 

Where have you seen the wonder of God in your life?


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I, too, often meet God over coffee. I'm so sorry last night was painful for you--I pray strength and courage for you and that you would sense God's love and wonder during this time. Grateful to have you on board with us!

  2. Thank you Margaret! I am so glad to say that I have been experiencing God's wonder even in the pain. There is a wonderful sense of joy that I am so thankful for. Thank you for your prayers. I love being on your team!
