Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Please Forgive Them

I was looking through some old writings and I thought that this one was good enough to share. I wrote this a little over a year ago. Perhaps this will resonate with your soul.

Please Forgive Them

To feel the weight of sadness from another person's sin is almost too much to bear.
All that I can do is to sit here and weep. Yes, I weep for you.

"Lord, please forgive them."

There is simply so much going on here. There is not enough time to speak it all.
Some things are just meant for God to reveal later.

"Lord, please forgive them."

I do not understand all these lies. The pain cuts deep into my soul. Whatever happened to truth and love?

"Lord, please forgive them."

Where is the trust? The pain in my back is too much to bear. I need someone to remove this hurt intended to destroy my very being.

"Lord, please forgive them."

All I long for is for more of Gods love. I long to be in His presence, following Him no matter what it may cost me.

"Lord, please forgive me for the times I allowed doubt to stop me from obeying you; for all those times that I said hurtful things; for the times I acted out in anger. Forgive my pride that blinded me from seeing those times that I was wrong. Oh, please forgive me."

All for Jesus, only Jesus. It is He and only He that truly matters in this entire world. Please help me to forgive, even when sins continue to be committed against me.

May we all, put aside selfish ambition, pride, and jealousy. 
We need your love God!
 Please help us to love.