Monday, October 14, 2013

The Cleft of the Rock

I have been pondering over a rather remarkable statement made in a Beth Moore Bible study series called, "A Woman's Heart: God's Dwelling Place". Together with the amazing group of ladies that I get to meet with each week, we heard Beth ask,

"Are you in a cleft of a rock when it seems darkness has overtaken you? Perhaps, God has covered your face so that you can see His glory as you see His back."

This is in reference to Exodus 33:21-22 when God put Moses in the cleft of the rock and covered his face (Moses was not to see the face of God), so that he could see God's glory. Often times, when life gets dark and troubles and pain come our way, we tend to look at it in a negative way. This message spoke volumes to me about my dark moments. I can look back over the past 3 years and see now how God revealed himself to me.

What I find rather interesting about this stage in my life and in the lives of family, is that although this is a new grief for some, it is not knew to me. I have slowly had to let go of some very important people in my life. Because I have gone through my own form of grief with some I hold very dear, this grief and letting go process has been something I have already been going through. Does it add to the ache? Yes it certainly does. Does it sometimes feel dark? Yes, some days feel darker than others. But with this in mind, I think that I can honestly say that it is God's hand over my face. Soon, I will get to see His glory through all the darkness and heartache.

Dear one, if you feel as if you are in a dark place. Do not despair. Perhaps God has placed you in the cleft of the rock, and He is shielding your face. Wait for God to reveal His glory through this time. It is worth it because He loves you. He wants to take you into His glory so that your intimacy with Him will grow.

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