Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Study Break Reflection of Life

Beautiful chaos: sweet moments with the One who holds my heart.

Just when life seems to take a drastic turn another comes to jolt us out into a different place. Life is rather crazy and there are moments where we look at our lives and we know that there is no way on earth that we could ever do this without God. We are learning so much in this process.

One of these lessons is the huge truth that without God we are literally nothing. This is not to say that we have not recognized this before but to experience it in a different manner is exhilarating! When we recognize that being in the presence of God is more important than anything, we hold a key to the kingdom of God. In His presence there is: wholeness, peace, and divine love. There is no worry for today and no worry for tomorrow.

At this stage in our lives we have been given the great gift of learning what it means to dive into His presence more and more. We have given up financial gain for more of God.  We have endured slander, criticism, backstabbing, and other ungodly things because of our radical lives. Its great… and tough!

I was asked about a week ago if we regretted making the changes that we have. It hit me at that moment that instead of regretting it, which others would because of our financial state, that I actually cherished it! God has given me these great gifts that money could never buy! I could never earn them on my own. More of Him is worth anything and everything. This truly has been being put to test in my life and also in our lives as a family.

This does not mean that every moment is easy. In fact it seems that life just gets more difficult. And as it gets more difficult it also gets so amazing and wonderful because God reveals more of Himself in the process. I would never trade this life with God for anything! Love and worship to our King and Provider are our greatest weapons against the enemy. I will dance my way into my God’s victorious arms of strength and power.

Beautiful chaos: sweet moments with the One who holds my heart.

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