Friday, November 18, 2011


Today as I reflect over the past week or so I am astonished at how quickly things are coming forth, bringing changes that are going to completely transform our lives. My husband and I had a discussion on this a couple of days ago. We talked about how we are going to have to make sure that we do not take our relationship for granted in the process of what is to come. What is to come you ask? A beautiful oak tree! God has been forming a firm foundation for my husband and I ever since our relationship started. Because of our hunger for purity, joy, righteousness, love and more and more of Jesus, God has been planting seeds within us so that we would become big oak trees of righteousness to give him glory (Isaiah 61:3). Firmly rooted together, we will shine forth Jesus and lead others to his feet. This includes bringing orphans into a family that they never thought they could ever belong to. What a great promise!

As the holidays are coming, I am learning to let go of so many things that I have been hurt from, as well as my husband. I find hope in the One who calls me beloved, that He will give me the strength that I need to stand for truth and not be manipulated to do otherwise. This is essential in our process of preparation for these new things that will be coming into our lives. It is essential because we need to be so firmly rooted in God, that any crack or hole must be filled up with God's love. We must not have a bend in our foundation so that it will be able to withstand the storms, and attacks from the enemy who wants to uproot all that God calls good.

Even though there are things ahead that I am not looking forward to, I trust that God turns all things into good for those those that love him (Romans 8:28). There are several things that I am so tired of. One of those things is cheap shots from the enemy. The enemy knows that he has already lost and in his anger he attempts to do what he can to injure those who are victorious on his way down. Truth is coming out and it will continue to be revealed in so many different ways. God's truth cannot be hidden, nor can the enemy fight and win against true Love.

Once all of the hurtful, unresolved things are cleared away, my husband and I stand together in great anticipation for all the good things God is doing. He continually performs miracles for our behalf almost every week. He has doors that have opened to us, without any effort on our part that we will be walking through in the months ahead. And at the present time, we are enjoying this roller coaster of joy and breakthrough that God has us on! We have never felt so blessed or alive in our entire lives and pray that He will use us to light the fires of Love in the hearts of everyone that we come across. 

Here we are Lord, with our hands and hearts wide open to you. We long for you everyday. We love you and will allow you to write our love story for the world to see. Our hearts are yours. Please show us how you want us to Love and handle the situations during the holidays this season. Amen.

Praise to you Oh Lord for your joy, love, and breakthrough! With you we can stand amidst the fire and not be burned. All praise and glory be given to you in all things!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Kara. Thank you for sharing with me.
