In the book of Merlin's Blade by Robert Treskillard, action, the battle against good and evil, and mystery will keep you in suspense as you read about Merlin before the time of King Arthur. Although the book is about a time that many associate with magic, Treskillard, writes a beautiful perspective of a pure, devoted heart of Merlin who learns how to battle an unknown magical and deceptively powerful enemy, with the power of prayer to the Almighty. You will be caught up in intense scenes of a spiritual battle that will make you want to read late into the night.
This is a teen fiction novel that I would highly recommend as the spiritual realm, and what some would consider fantasy, collide with the natural. The story of Merlin, a sweet and blind boy who desires only to serve Jesus, turns out to show more heroism than most adult warriors. It shows that the power of God is bigger than any other power or force. It reminds you that God uses those who love him even if they do not feel qualified for the task at hand. Above all, Jesus is Lord of all.
Please read Merlin's Blade. It will captivate you and you will not be disappointed as you read example after example of good prevailing over evil.
I received this book for free from and these opinions are my own.